It’s to late….

There has been a agenda by satans children since the beginning. God made us perfect in His image. satan doesn’t like that and like a roaring lion he seeks to kill and destroy Gods creation, YOU. Many fall for his magic and deception like Covid 19 and gee whiz, your baby and child need something put into their body to keep them “safe”. There is NOTHING safe of ANYTHING  jabbed into your God created body by sinful man that even uses the symbol of the snake to warn you, but many, many, will fall for the traps because God is far from their hearts and the Holy Spirit is not there to open your spiritual eyes. There are millions of walking dead now but what about you? Now in these Last Days, the jab doesn’t just kill, it changes your GOD DNA and you are hopelessly lost and HEADED FOR HELL. Are you ready to ask your creator into your heart? Time is running out……When visiting a Rockefeller created beast system snake serpent devil evil kill system, did you once go to God first? Every doctor that has a licence to take money from big pharma and practice only can do that if they obey the beast. The whole medical system is satanic hoping, just God damn hoping you will listen to them and get your snakebite. The Bible clearly says God will heal you with faith and leaving sin behind in your life. Can you believe it is sin that causes you to deceived and ignorant and disobedient and pretty much a  sin retard that can’t see God  because you can’t see God while your out there a pot head or a drunk, or a lesbian, or a sodomite, seeking money and power, sucked into sports being your God, or out there in satans world.

1667 Epidemics of smallpox, dysentery begin.

1668 Merck begins an apothecary shop in Darmstadt, Germany.

1669 Outbreak of cholera in China.

1670 Measles and tertian fever epidemics displace cholera.

1672 Dysentery becomes mild and some smallpox occurs.

1673 Inoculation against smallpox appears in Denmark. (See 1778).

1674 First mention of diabetes mellitus in British Pharmaceutice Rationalis, by Thomas Willis, member of the Royal College of Physicians.

1675 Malaria epidemic in England and discovery of “Peruvian bark” (quinine).

1712 First record of vaccinations for smallpox in France.

1717 Inoculation against smallpox instituted in England by Lady Mary Montague after she returns from Turkey, where it was in a popular experimental stage at the time

1719 Outbreak of the plague in Marseilles, France through 1720.

1721 In the United States, a clergyman named Cotton Mather attempts to introduce a crude form of smallpox vaccination by smearing smallpox pus into scratches in healthy people. Over 220 people are treated during the first six months of experimentation. Only six had no apparent reaction. Mather was bitterly attacked for recommending this practice in Boston, Massachusetts.

1722 In Wales, a Dr. Wright refers to inoculation against smallpox in the British Isles as “an ancient practice.” A citizen of Wales, 99 years old, states that inoculation had been known and used during his entire lifetime, and that his mother stated it was common during her life, and that she got smallpox through her “inoculation.”

1723 First record of smallpox immunization in Ireland, when a doctor in Dublin inoculates 25 people. Three died, and the custom was briefly abandoned.

1724 First record of vaccination for smallpox in Germany. It soon fell into disfavor due to the number of deaths. Years later, doctors were able to reintroduce it.

1754 Inoculation for smallpox is introduced in Rome. The practice was soon stopped because of the number of deaths it caused. Later, the medical profession would successfully reintroduce it.

1763 Epidemic of smallpox in France wipes out a large part of the population. It was immediately attributed to inoculation, and the practice was prohibited by the French government for five years.

1763 The first recorded episode of biological warfare in the United States occurs when white colonial settlers give smallpox-infected blankets to Native Americans who sought friendly relations. Also a significant case of genocide.

1768 The medical profession in France is successful in re-instituting vaccination for smallpox.

1778 Danish physicians move to open two major vaccination houses in Denmark by order of the King.

1778 In Italy, infants were inoculated by Neapolitan nurses without the knowledge of parents.

1790 Edward Jenner buys a medical degree from St. Andrews University for £15.

1791 Edward Jenner vaccinates his 18 month old son with swine-pox. In 1798, he vaccinates his son with cow-pox. His son will die of TB at the age of 21.

1798 General vaccine programs against cowpox instituted in the U.S.

1801 First widespread experimentation with vaccines begins.

1802 The British government gives Edward Jenner £10,000 for continued experimentation with “smallpox vaccine.” The paradigm that vaccines provide “lifetime immunity” is abandoned, and the concept of “re-vaccination” is sanctioned.

1809 Massachusetts encourages its towns to make provision for the vaccination of inhabitants with cow pox vaccine.

1810 The London Medical Observer (Vol.VI, 1810) publishes particulars of “535 cases of smallpox after vaccination, 97 fatal cases of smallpox after vaccination, and 150 cases of serious injury from vaccination, ten of whom were medical men.”

1822 The British government advances Edward Jenner another £20,000 for “smallpox vaccine” experimentation. Jenner suppresses reports which indicate his concept his causing more death than saving lives.

1831 Smallpox epidemic in Wurtemberg, Germany, where 995 vaccinated people succumb to the disease.

1831 In Marseilles, France, 2,000 vaccinated people are stricken with smallpox.

1838 Smallpox epidemic in England.

1847 American Medical Association (AMA) organized in the U.S.

1848 Rockefeller interests establish prime goal of control of U.S. medical system.

1853 In England, the Compulsory Vaccination Act. From 1853 to 1860, vaccination reached 75% of the live births and more than 90% of the population.

1855 Compulsory nature of Massachusetts vaccination statute is firm, and a pre- condition for school admittance. Statutes created in the belief it would “protect children from smallpox.”

1857 Vaccination in England is enforced by fines. Smallpox epidemic begins in England that lasts until 1859. Over 14,000 die.

1858 England experiences a 7 year epidemic of Pertussis (ending in 1865) in which 120,000 die.

1860 Introduction of antibiotics and immunization into the U.S. (Through 1896).

1860 Encyclopedia Britannica (8th Edition) states “nothing is more likely to prove hurtful to the cause of vaccination and render the public careless of securing to themselves its benefits, than the belief that they would require to submit to re-vaccination every 10 to 15 years.” Later, in the 11th edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, the policy would change: “it is desirable that vaccination should be repeated at the age of 7 to 10 years, and thereafter at intervals during life.”

1867 Vaccination Act of 1867 in England begins to elicit protest from the population and increase in the number of anti-vaccination groups. It compelled the vaccination of a baby within the first 90 days of its life. Those who objected would be continually badgered by magistrates and fined until the child turned 14. The law was passed on the assurance of medical officials that smallpox vaccinations were safe.

1867 Nonpayment of fines for skipping smallpox vaccination result in harsh penalties.

1870 Third major smallpox epidemic in England begins and lasts until 1872. Over 44,800 die.

1871 In Birmingham, England, from 1871 to 1874, there were 7,706 cases of smallpox. Out of these, 6,795 had been vaccinated.

1871 In Bavaria, Germany, vaccination is compulsory and re-vaccination is commonplace. Out of 30,472 cases of smallpox, 29,429 had been vaccinated.

1871 Worldwide epidemic of smallpox begins. It claims 8 million people worldwide.

1871 Select committee of the Privy Council convened to inquire into the Vaccination Act of 1867 (England), as 97.5% of the people who died from smallpox were vaccinated for it.

1872 Japan institutes compulsory smallpox vaccination. Within 20 years 165,000 smallpox cases manifest themselves.

1884 In England, Dr. Charles Creighton is asked to write an article for the Encyclopedia Britannica on vaccination. After much research internationally, he concludes that vaccination constituted “a gross superstition.” Later, Creighton writes two books, “Cowpox and Vaccinal Syphilis” and “Jenner and Vaccination.”

1884 In England, more than 1700 children vaccinated for smallpox die of syphilis.

1884 Dr. Sobatta of the German Army reports on the results of vaccination to the German Vaccination Commission, which subsequently publishes data proving that re-vaccination does not work. Deaths from vaccination are routinely covered up by physicians.

1886 A seven year period begins in Japan where 25,474,370 vaccinations and re-vaccinations are performed in Japan, representing 66% of the entire population of Japan. During that period, there are 165,774 cases of smallpox with 28,979 deaths. (See 1955).

1887 In England, Dr. Edgar M. Crookshank, professor of pathology and bacteriology at Kings College, is asked by the British government to investigate the cowpox outbreak in Wiltshire. The result of the investigation was contained in two volumes of “The History and Pathology of Vaccination,” in which he states that “the credit given to vaccination belongs to sanitation.”

1888 Bacteriological Institute in Odessa, Russia, tries its hand at a vaccine for anthrax. Over 4,500 sheep are vaccinated; 3,700 of them die from the vaccination.

1889 In England, a royal commission is appointed to inquire into certain aspects of the vaccination question. The committee would be in session for 7 years and would issue 6 reports, with the final report in 1896. The result of the final report was the Vaccination Act of 1898.

1895 Diphtheria vaccination program begins. Over the period lasting until 1907, 63,249 cases of diphtheria were treated with anti-toxin. Over 8,900 died, giving a fatality rate of 14%. Over the same period, 11,716 cases were not treated with anti-toxin, of which 703 died, giving a fatality rate of 6%.

1896 Carlo Ruta, a professor at the University of Perugia in Italy, states that “vaccination is a worldwide delusion and an unscientific practice, with consequences measured today with tears and sorrow without end.”

1898 Rockefeller interests prime goal of control of medical education in U.S.A.

1902 The Chicago Health Department develops its “vaccination creed,” which states that “true vaccination repeated until it ‘no longer takes’ always prevents smallpox. Nothing else does.” The policy is immediately taken up by the U.S. military.

1904 Carnegie Institution of Washington establishes a biological experiment station at Cold Spring Harbor, New York. Eugenicist Charles B. Davenport is assigned to be director.

1905 Eleven states in the U.S. have compulsory vaccination laws; 34 states do not. No states physically force injections on citizens. Vaccination was made compulsory without state legislation providing for analysis of its history.

1907 England passes the Vaccination Act of 1907, after the newly elected government comes to power. The act allowed a statutory objection from a parent relative to a child vaccination before the child was four months old.

1907 Indiana passes the world’s first compulsory sterilization law for “all confirmed criminals, idiots, rapists and imbeciles” who were confined in state institutions. By 1908, 30 states passed similar laws.

1909 New York Press, January 26, 1909, publishes a report by W.B. Clark which states, “cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have seen 200 cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.” Scientific evidence begins to mount that where human lymph is employed in a vaccine, syphilis, leprosy and TB soon follow. Where calf lymph is employed in the creation of a vaccine, TB and cancer soon follow. (Cancer and Vaccination by Esculapius).

1911 General vaccination programs against typhoid begin in the United States.

1912 First whooping cough (Pertussis) vaccine created by two French bacteriologists, Jules Bordet and Octave Gengou, who wanted to use it in Tunisia. After they grew Pertussis bacteria in large pots, they killed it with heat, mixed it with formaldehyde (used to embalm bodies) and injected it into children.

1917 Wagner von Jauregg treats syphilitic paralysis by injecting malaria.

1918 Great influenza epidemic attributed to widespread use of vaccines.

1919 Diptheria vaccinations injure 60 and kill 10 in Texas.

1921 BCG tuberculosis vaccine developed.

1922 A study by Samuel Torrey Orton connects emotional disturbance with neurological problems. This insight was lost after World War II when psychology, psychiatry, and psychoanalysis became popular, breaking the connection. The emotional disturbances caused by vaccines then became financial fodder for the new psych-industries. With the causes suppressed, a new industry was born.

1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 25 in Bridgewater, CT and 20 in Concord, NH.

1924 Diphtheria vaccinations kill 6 in Baden, Austria.

1925 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen tries a modified Pertussis vaccine during an epidemic in the Faroe Islands. It did not prevent Pertussis. (See 1933).

1925 Doctors at the Paris Academy of Medicine discuss deaths occurring shortly after vaccination in Holland and other European countries.

1925 In England, less than 50% of infants are vaccinated for smallpox. 6 deaths occur. (See 1872).

1925 General vaccine programs against tuberculosis began in the United States.

1927 Diphtheria vaccinations injure 37 and kill 5 people in China.

1927 British government appoints a committee to inquire into “vaccine lymph,” as it is noticed that the “glycerinated calf lymph” used in vaccinations causes deaths from “sleepy sickness.” Two London professors bring notice of the problem to the government in 1922. It takes 5 years before the government responds.

1927 Smallpox in England dwindles almost to the vanishing point. Fatality of the unvaccinated cases is less than half of the vaccinated cases.

1928 Cases of post-vaccination encephalitis force creation of two Committees of Investigation in Britain.

1930 Max Theiler develops a yellow fever vaccine.

1930 Diptheria vaccinations injure 32 and kill 16 in Columbia.

1931 Cornelius Rhoads, a North American pathologist at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations in Puerto Rico, carries out an experiment on Puerto Ricans deliberately infecting them with cancer. Thirteen die. In a letter leaked to the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party, Rhoads wrote, “the Puerto Ricans (sic) are lazy and degenerate. What the island needs is something to exterminate the entire population. I have done my best to further the extermination.” The president of the PRNP brings the case to the press, and a legal investigation is initiated. The prosecutor exonerates Rhoads, calling him “a mentally ill person or a man with few scruples.” Rhoads goes on in later years to direct the establishment of U.S. Army chemical warfare labs in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, for which he was awarded the Legion of Merit in 1945. (See 1945, Rhoads).

1931 Roosevelt endorses polio “immune serum,” precursor to vaccines in 1950’s.

1932 The U.S. Public Health Service initiates a study in Tuskegee, Alabama, where black men are given syphilis. Four hundred men were unwittingly given the disease. No medical care was offered. The study ended when it was discovered in 1972, after 40 years. The office supervising this study was the predecessor of the Center for Disease Control unit now in charge of the AIDS program.

1932 Diphtheria vaccines injure 171 and kill 1 in Charolles, France.

1932 Research (Young) indicates that neuritis is commonly precipitated following vaccination with anti-tetanus, anti-pneumococcal, and anti-meningitis serums.

1933 Danish researcher Thorvald Madsen discovers the Pertussis vaccines ability to kill infants without warning (SID). He reports that two babies vaccinated immediately after birth died in a few minutes.

1933 American researchers report that children react to Pertussis vaccine with fever, convulsions, and collapse.

1933 Vaccination programs against Yellow Fever begin in the United States.

1933 Compulsory immunization instituted in Geneva.

1933 Diphtheria cases decline in Britain over the period of a year.

1936 Pertussis vaccine is introduced in the United States. Autism begins to appear in children shortly thereafter.

1938 Fifty-eight British physicians sign a mandate against compulsory immunization in Guernsey point to the virtual disappearance of Diphtheria in Sweden, a country without Diphtheria vaccination.

1938 The idea of “booster shots” arose as a “solution” to poor antibody response in infants and newborns. These become customary in the 1940’s.

1938 Compulsory immunization instituted in Hungary. Diphtheria cases rise 35% by 1940.

1939 Compulsory vaccination in Germany raises diphtheria cases to 150,000.

1940 Germany orders compulsory mass immunization for children. As a result, by 1945, Germany’s Diphtheria cases increase from 40,000 to 250,000.

1941 Louis Sauer of Evanston, Illinois, an avid supporter of mass vaccination, reports that only 27% of a group of 89 babies developed “protective antibodies” when vaccinated at three months of age or less.” Sauer urges that Pertussis vaccination “begin no earlier than seven months” because “most of these infants did not yet possess the power to develop adequate immunity when they were injected so early in life.”

1942 University of Columbia issues a report on St. Louis Encephalitis. Professor of Neurology at Columbia University Josephine B. Neal writes that “pertussis encephalitis in early childhood was likely to leave individuals crippled with motor and personality handicaps.”

1943 American vaccine researcher Pearl Kendrick reports that adding a metallic salt seemed to heighten the capacity of the Pertussis vaccine to produce anti-bodies. (Metal salt is an “adjuvant” in this way). Some metallic salts used are those of aluminum (alum). Pearl Kendrick is the researcher that urged that Pertussis vaccine be combined with Diphtheria vaccine. Later the Tetanus vaccine was added, producing the nefarious DPT Vaccine.

1943 General vaccine program against influenza begins in the U.S.

1943 Infantile paralysis epidemic kills 1200 and cripples more in U.S.

1943 Child psychologist Leo Kanner observes a new illness appearing in U.S. children, “inborn autistic disturbance of affective contact.” The problem became known as “infantile autism” or simply “autism.” Outstanding features of this new problem: self-absorbed alienation, inability to relate in the ordinary way to people and situations from the very beginning of life, detachment, nervous hostility with strangers, emotional bluntness and isolation, impaired relationships, and reading with little or no comprehension and inability to process experience. As a result of this process, gaining wisdom and learning from experience becomes impossible.

1943 Diphtheria cases in Nazi occupied France rise to 47,000 after Germans force compulsory vaccination. In nearby Norway, which refused vaccinations, there were 50 cases of Diphtheria.

1944 Asperger in Vienna describes the first cases of adult “autism” to appear.

1944 Health Practitioners Journal, June 1944, reports Dr. S. S. Goldwater, the New York Commissioner of Hospitals states “as a result of the drugs, vaccines, and other suppressive treatments used to check diseases, chronic diseases are growing at such a rate that America may become a nation of invalids.”

1945 A survey of 10,000 boys in the U.S. having had the smallpox vaccination also notes that 6% were associated with crime.

1945 Japan surrenders twice, followed by U.S. bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki and a third and final surrender. The Allies mandate compulsory vaccination in Japan. The first cases of autism follow pertussis vaccine introduction.

1946 U.S. Government Pertussis vaccine expert Margaret Pittman and FDA’s Charles Kendrick decide to test Pertussis vaccine by injecting it into the brains of mice and see how many survive.

1946 Werne and Garrow describe the deaths of identical twins within 24 hours of their second Pertussis shot.

1946 Dr. Gerson demonstrates medical proof of complete remissions of cancer in over 33% of his patients before the Pepper-Neeley Congressional Sub-Committee for Hearings on S1875, a bill to authorize the president to wage war on cancer. Lobbying forces for surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy defeat the bill by four votes. The bill supported research into dietary means for preventing and reversing cancer. Gerson’s publications were black-listed and he lost his license to practice medicine in New York.

1947 Matthew Brody at the Brooklyn Hospital gives detailed descriptions of two cases of brain damage leading to death in children receiving Pertussis shots.

1947 National Security Act established in the United States in order to permit the extension and continuation of Nazi efforts in the United States under cover of “national security,” setting the stage for chemical, biological, and electronic sensitization of the population for the remainder of the 20th century. Efforts begin to convince the American public that their “enemy” is Communism, not fascism, setting the stage for the upcoming McCarthy period and the sham known as “the cold war” which would extend and continue the military industrial/pharmaceutical complex.

1947 Charles Posner of the Harvard Medical School Department of Neurology writes, “almost any vaccination can lead to noninfectious inflammatory reaction involving the nervous system. The common denominator consists of vascularity that is often associated with demyelination.” (demyelination is the stripping of the insulation away from the nerves).

1947 The British Medical Research Council begins testing 50,000 children in Britain with the Pertussis vaccine. All children tested are more than 14 months old (not newborns). Eight infants had convulsions within 72 hours of the shot, 34 had convulsions within 28 days of the shot. British doctors denied a connection between the vaccine and the convulsions, declaring the tests a success and began administering it to all British children. Despite the Fact that none of the tests were conducted on children under 14 months old (newborns and babies), the United States holds the tests in evidence that the vaccine is safe for newborns as young as 6 weeks of age. The testing would continue until 1957.

Reality is I can beat you, whip you, warn you, try to stop you, do anything I can, but unless you go to God, unless God draws you to Him, this entire ministry is worthless. Isn’t it time for you to drop to your knees and start with even a few words to God? God, are you real? God I have no faith, please increase it. God, I am a sinner and not sure what to do. God the world has beat me down and I’m angry as hell, please help me. You’ll have your own words. USE THEM. Your in the battle for your life and forever….I already warned you three years ago things will never be the same and things are going to go from bad to really bad.

Are you pissed yet you can’t afford groceries? Why? YOUR TAXES GOING WHERE?

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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30