Tell me I didn’t take the mark of the beast. Tell me I wasn’t part of the great delusion. Tell me I didn’t make a mistake in believing sorcery verses YOU. Tell me God it’s not to late to go back in time. That what I did willingly instead of going to you first wasn’t the worst mistake I ever made. Tell me God I don’t have satan flowing through my veins. Tell me I am forever now not part of the beast system. TELL ME GOD I’M NOT GOING TO HELL. The book of Revelation is quite clear the Greek word for “sorcery” is pharmakeia, from which we derive the word “pharmacy” and in the last days would deceive many. The snake is right there if you would have had eyes to see and ears to hear. Billions will die in these Last Days from lacking God in their lives and more worried about this world than forever. A Christian can’t wait to die and be with their Lord and has no fear of man. A unsaved person is scared of death and thinks this evil world is all there is and obeys satanic men and women and is a slave to T.V. and brainwashed……..Imagine your a fish. There are two groups swimming around. One is quite smart. The other is more or less a bottom feeder. Suddenly there is a break in the water and a red floating ball and what looks like a worm hanging from it. The smart fish gather together and quickly see it’s a game often played by the farmers son to snatch them away and kill them and swim to the other side of the lake. But the bottom feeders, the fish swimming around like robots and lacking Gods intelligence see the the hook and that fat juicy worm and swim towards it with all their might. A few stragglers try to warn them to be careful but it’s to late as they took the bait. In-bedded in their throat is something they can’t remove and now losing control of themselves they are suddenly pulled out of their safety zone of the water. Trying to breathe as they are slammed against a rock, Billy G grabs a stick and with a smile on his face beats your head in till you die. Suddenly there is a sound in the water. The splash turns into the fish that took the bait floating to the bottom in a bloody mess. It was never about food for Bill. It was about killing as he baits another hook to see who he’ll catch next. Baby fish are the best and returned to the water after Billy injects them with his special brew because they become slaves of his sorcery for life. He giggles as he sees them swimming upside down or floating to the top once in a while. Now a message from our new sponsor Dumasgotvax: Please today lose your mind and get in line!! Love comes from everything opposite of God always!!!

 2 chronicles 16:12-13

Hell lasts forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and……………


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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30