satan is a androgyne

A baphomet. The opposite of Gods creation. God created man and woman. satan created filth. The antichrist, satan will be a androgyne that fools the world and that is why it is creating it’s army. Do you not know America sends billions to androgyne leaders in Israhell and Ukraine? Follow the obelisks. Washington D.C. is the war machine, London city is the money machine. Vatican City is the false religion machine. Babylon is the seat of satan and you guessed it, that is Zionist Israel. If you don’t believe God flooded the world to destroy mankind once before due to it’s vileness and wickedness you are sorely mistaken. That God didn’t rain down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah you are sorely mistaken. That HELL is not real, you are sorely mistaken. While you struggle to survive, the beast system flourishes in these final days. Perhaps you don’t comprehend forever. The bible talks of those collecting and thinking they gained it all maybe in this world, but time is short and the wise person will always look to not of  maybe power or money or self satisfaction for today, but of the hereafter. You better wake up. The world is a giant stage now. Isolate yourself into just you and God and you just might see the stage and it’s many actors. Then like me, you just might puke.

Who are the Jews behind the coronavirus vaccines?

Mikael Dolsten, the Jewish immigrant leading Pfizer’s vaccine charge, hopes the US stays a melting pot

 The alleged Dr. Fauci, was given a $1 Million dollar “science” award from Israel. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease,of uninformed opposition during the challenging COVID crisis.”

The ACE2 Receptor
Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London’s Sunday Times. Gee whiz. Imagine vaccines that are targeted towards say republicans or conservative types. Nahhhhh.. is reportedly developing a biological weapon that,according to a report in London’s Sunday Times.

Kissinger once said, “That in 10 years, Israel would not exist.” Helloooooo. Ukraine anyone. The new Israel bought and paid for by American dollars. That’s not even a maybe. Look it up. While branded as antisemitism, it is factual that the entire Biden Administration is Jewish. As well as Biden’s own Rabbi Michael S. Beals, who said, “You are “Our New Moses.” How so? If you are that dumb and can’t figure it out with your own eyes, it is serious time to drop to your knees and beg God to take away your spiritual blindness. Can’t you hear that giant sucking noise as America is sucked further and further and further into financial ruin. Making the US taxpayers pay to setup this new Khazar Mafia HQ in Ukraine, the most corrupt country on earth.

Yes! Under the #hashtag #NeverAgain
The Jew’s are actually arming Nazi’s. Let that sink in.
BTW Miami is involved in a gun buyback, so those arms can be sent to the #Ukraine.

The proud leader of the Gay Disco, you know him. Zelensky. That not only can he bang a piano with his dick, but stands there in what appeared to be a new Mink Coat, and a massive Gold Chain, that would have made Rappers jealous as he pleads for more money. But that’s expected he is multi billionaire now. How come if there is this huge war thing going on, you see all these people visiting Kiev like they are going to a sunday picnic. You’ll really know the war is fake if “the big guy” visits him. He will though, you’ll see.

Yes, we are all financing the new Jewish State of the Ukraine as America swirls in the toilet bowl.

I have cited Jewish Media sources so-as not to be labeled as antisemitic. People need to read more foreign media, because some people, well, they like the brag about all they do. While Americans whine about Communist China, they should remember where the Commie’s came from. How about the holocaust. You know where 150 million white Christians were genocided by Bolsheviks not that long ago. China and Russia shenanigans are just to prep the Americans for the coming war. The US as a vassal, is funding the entire NWO, World Government, and the military has for decades been USED as their arm of doing what ever is commanded by them. Here is a interesting read….

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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30