They are coming….

This article is an open letter to American Christian leaders who support the state of Israel, and it is a call to a serious contemplation and subsequent action.

By Jana Bennun,                                                                              February 8, 2023

Israel’s newly formed right wing government is an attack on basic human rights and on democracy in general.  “Israel – the only democracy in the Middle East” is a phrase that was used on many occasions by Benjamin Netanyahu when he was soliciting American politicians for the unconditional support of Israel. The famous phrase was often parroted in Christian pulpits and used as the “icing on a cake” by Christian pastors who preached unreserved love and support of the political State of Israel.

 American support of the Jewish State has its roots in futuristic dispensational interpretation of biblical prophecy so prevalent among the United States Christians. However, Israel being a supposed democracy with equal rights for all – was indeed the “icing on a cake”. If one disagrees with the prophecy interpretation, there is always the “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East” line that would surely make a freedom loving American give a thumbs up for financial and moral support of The State.

 In truth, Benjamin Netanyahu did us all a favor. He removed the icing from the cake, and we can now see the true ingredients of what’s in the baked goods.

 In other words- the plan for the Israeli religious dictatorship was there all along -wrapped in a sweet, delicious democracy line, only to be unleashed as the most rigid, ultra-religious Talmudic dictatorship.

On My 9, 2014, Israel National News posted an article in which it was revealed that Netanyahu promised haredi Likud leaders that the Talmudic law will become the law of the land once Israel will be officially announced as the “Jewish State”.  (That happened in 2018 with the help of then President Donald Trump and his evangelical Christian base).

Article states that “the new law also would establish the Talmud, the core work of the Jewish law, as an official basis for Israeli state law”.

 Further, the article quotes direct words of Netanyahu where he states: “I am going to personally be involved in the law defining the state of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people…It is a very important law that will influence how Israel will look in the future…I want to anchor in this law, that it will be a Basic Law that the state of Israel arose and exists on the basis of the Torah and the Jewish tradition”.

Netanyahu continued:

We will define in the law the Gemara as a basis for the Israeli legal system…the existence of the State of Israel as a Jewish state does not actualize itself enough in our Basic Lawswhich is what the proposed law aims to fix.

Source: Netanyahu Promises Talmud Will Be Israeli Law

 Nine years later, Netanyahu did not disappoint, he fulfilled the promise to the haredi Likud leaders.

He formed his new ultra-nationalist, ultra-religious government and gave the ruling power to the most ruthless hands of men with the violent, and racist past who justify their abhorrent actions with the religious beliefs rooted in Talmud.

An article published in 2017 by Haaretz informed about the proposed bill in Israel to expand Rabbinical court’s jurisdiction powers. It says:

“The government unveiled a new bill that would grant rabbinical courts authority to adjudicate in civil disputes. According to the bill, rabbinical courts will be able to hold hearings and issue decisions in accordance with Jewish religious law…the bill would grant rabbinical courts the authority to adjudicate disputes and not merely act as arbitrators. That means rabbinical courts would have the authority to confiscate property, compel witnesses to appear and give testimony, impose temporary bands on leaving Israel and other temporary bans.”

Source: Israeli Government Promotes Bill to Expand Rabbinical Courts’ Jurisdiction Powers

The newly formed Netanyahu’s government is doing just that- giving powers to the rabbinical courts and weakening the established judicial courts that guaranteed equality for all under the Israeli law.

On January 4, 2023, the AP news article warned that the new Netanyahu’s government aims to weaken the country’s Supreme Court. Once the Supreme Court is weak, it will have no ability to overrule the decisions made by the rabbinical courts.

Source: Israel’s new government unveils plan to weaken Supreme Court

The Times of Israel article published the warning  of the Tel Aviv mayor Ron Huldai that Israel is changing from democracy to a fascist theocracy. He says:

That’s the story of Israel being turned into a theocracy…we are going to be a Halachic state.” (Jewish religious state)

Source: Tel Aviv mayor warns Israel heading toward a fascist theocracy

 The newspaper Haaretz published another article on February 6, 2023, explaining that the newly formed Israeli far-right government wants to establish fully patriarchal rules and is misogynistic.

Source: Israel’s New Netanyahu-led Misogynistic Government

Another Haaretz article explains how the new rabbinic court will have the power to install a gender segregation in the public sphere and other acts against women:

Increasing the powers of religious courts that discriminate against womenincreasing gender segregation in the public sphereand resisting initiatives combating violence against women in the name of male authority in the home – these are only some of the hallmarks of the incoming coalition’s agenda.”


Catholic online magazine Crux published an article on December 12, 2022, explaining that few Christian leaders did indeed warn Netanyahu about anti-Christian forces in his newly formed coalition. This did not move Netanyahu to consider replacing the members of his coalition which only proves his pre meditated intent to install religious dictatorship in the state of Israel. Considering that the Christians of United States were the most dedicated supporters of the state of Israel-to the point of aiding Donald Trump in declaration of the Jewish State in 2018 and bringing an American embassy to Jerusalem –Netanyahu’s actions should be considered an ultimate betrayal. The top Christian leader, Mr. Buehler expressed his concerns when speaking to about 180 Christian reporters in Jerusalem:

Christians are a little bit concerned about some of the coalition partners that are coming into the government who have said some not nice things about the Christians in the past.”

Mr. Buehler was aiming particularly at the member of Netanyahu’s coalition by name Itamar Ben-Gvir who is the head of Israel’s far right “Jewish Power” party. Ben-Gvir is known for his violent protests against Christians and his suggestion that Israel should expel entire Christian population.

Source: Christian leader warns Netanyahu about anti-Christian forces in new government

Itamar Ben-Gvir is also known as an avid supporter and follower of the now deceased rabbi Meir Kahane, a Jewish supremacist, and a founder of the Kach political party in Israel which won its Knesset seat in 1984.  Kahane was active also in the United States and he founded the Jewish defense league in New York- which FBI designated as a terrorist organization. It is interesting to note that later, in 1985 Israel banned the Kach party due to its racist, violent, and anti-democratic platform, only to be resurrected by Netanyahu in 2022 by allowing the supporters of Kahane values to rule Israeli people.  The actions of Benjamin Netanyahu should be considered a crime against humanity.

The following article published in Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) should be a mandatory study for all Christians in the Unites States and allover the world. It is exposing the true nature and intent of the extremist religious Zionists who justify their ideology and actions with the Talmudic writings they follow. Those very extremists are now a reigning kings in Netanyahu’s government. For example, In the article it states:

Kahane…while in the Knesset in the 1980’s, he introduced a set of proposed laws which read in part:”

non- Jews will be obligated to assume duties, taxes, and slavery. If he does not agree to taxes and slavery, he will be deported.”

“A non-Jew will not live within the jurisdiction of the city of Jerusalem.”

“A non-Jew who has a marital relationship with the Jew is liable to 50 years in prison. A Jewish prostitute or a Jewish male who has an affair with a non- Jewish male is sentenced to 5 years in prison.”

“Non-Jews in the state of Israel will be without any national rights and without any part in political proceedings in the State of Israel. A non-Jew will not be able to be appointed to any position of authority and will not be able to vote in elections to the Knesset or to any other state or public body.”

“Prohibition on intermarriage -Jewish citizens of the country are not allowed to marry non-Jews, both in Israel and abroad. Such intermarriage will not be recognized as marriage at all.”

“Jews of the state of Israel are not allowed to have full or partial marital relations of any kind with non-Jews, even outside of marriage. Anyone breaching this section is liable to imprisonment for two years.”

Separation at beaches-Separate beaches will be established for Jews and non-Jews. A person of one people found on the beach destined for the member of the second people will be subject to six months imprisonment.”

Again , it is of outmost importance that the following published article by the IMEU is studied in detail by all American Christians. All the facts published need to be examined and considered and the names noted – as they are a part of Netanyahu’s picks that will have a tremendous power over the people of Israel.

Source: Fact Sheet: Meir Kahane & The Extremist Kahanist Movement

Another of the leaders in the “Jewish Power” party, is the man by name Benzi Gopstein. Gopstein is known for his anti-Arab (anti-gentile) sentiments, calling Palestinians a “cancer that has metastasized everywhere”, he is against intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews, against any business relationship between the Jews and the non-Jews, and outright hatred toward Christians. As the following Haaretz article recorded back in 2015, Gopstein called the Christians “blood sucking vampires.

Source: Jewish Extremists’ Leader: Christians Are ‘Blood Sucking Vampires’ Who Should Be Expelled From Israel

It is important that the American Christians get educated on the extremist Talmudic views on the “gentiles”. It is a gross mistake to believe that any reference to “Palestinians” is aimed only on Palestinian population of Israel. American Christians are brainwashed by their leaders to believe that every Palestinian is a terrorist and when the remarks made against Palestinians by Israel’s Talmudic extremists are fully justified.  Majority of the Christian population of United States is completely ignorant of the fact that anti-Arab sentiments of the  religious radicals in Israel is equally transferable to any non-Jew living inside or outside Israel – even a Christian. Whatever sentiments that Christians justify regarding Palestinians can easily apply to any Christian or any non-Jew. Right now, it is “Palestinians”, tomorrow it will be “the Christians”. Sadly, Benjamin Netanyahu is allowing those very extremists to be in his coalition and soon decide the path that Israel will take.

There could be a lot more to write about the details of the newly formed Talmudic theocracy that has formed in Israel. One very important fact that American Christians need to remember is that whatever Israel does is affecting the United States as a country. Many states in USA are proposing bills to make any criticism of Israel and the Jews or Jewish religion a felony. This constant redefinition of who is to be labeled as anti-Semite is a desperate attempt by the ruling powers to silence any brave souls who would dare to speak out against the extreme religious tyranny that could potentially affect American lives.

Many Chabad rabbis, who are influencers of our politicians, are proselyting for the Noahide Laws for the gentiles. The Noahide Laws are already a part of the Public Laws in the United States and especially promoted in our public-school education system.

 Noahide promoting rabbi Yakov Dovid Cohen is  proudly displaying the Public Law 102-14 on his website

Source: Public Law 102-14,H.J. Res 104 Education Day USA

According to Judaism, the Noahide laws are a mandatory requirement for all gentiles and are found in its fulness in the Babylonian Talmud. One of the seven laws is the prohibition of idolatry, while the prominent rabbis and scholars of Judaism interpret basic tenets of Christianity as an idolatry. The punishment for transgression of any of the Noahide Laws is death by beheading as noted in the following Jewish Encyclopedia:

“…the punishment meted out to a Noachid for the transgression of any of the seven laws is decapitation, the least painful of the four modes of execution of criminals.”


In fact, the Jerusalem Post published an article on March 31, 2016, reporting that an Israeli Chief rabbi Yitzhak Yosef said:

According to Jewish law, it is forbidden for a non-Jew to live in the land of Israel-unless he has accepted the seven Noahide laws.

The Jerusalem Post continues to report:

Yosef said explicitly that a non-Jew who does abide by the Noahide law is permitted to live in the land of Israel. Saying that such people will be assistants and helpers (whitewashed terms for slaves) of the Jewish people.”

Source: Non-Jews in Israel must keep Noahide laws, chief rabbi says

Particularly upsetting is recent WND article that describes a whistleblower Kyle Seraphin saying that there is a document from the FBI Richmond’s field office that there is a plan to declare Christians in the United States as “criminals and potential terrorists”.


Such sentiments as described in the above-mentioned article are the ones that the far-right religious Zionists are propagating in Israel against Christians and as the solution to the “crime of Christianity” they propose acceptance of the seven Noahide laws.  The fact that the Noahide laws are already in the public law system in the United States should be a red flag for every Christian in America.

Majority of American pastors are not going to speak up against the Talmudic tyranny happening in Israel, nor will they protest the Noahide Laws promoted in our public law system.  It is due to their religious conditioning based on the false doctrine of Christian dispensationalism that calls for unconditional support of the state of Israel citing various Old Testament verses. In fact, many of the pastors have formed numerous bridges with the Talmudic rabbis and they are promoting rabbinic interpretations of biblical prophecies.  Therefore, it is necessary for every Christian to examine their own doctrinal beliefs and scrutinize them in the light of the fact that the dispensational Christianity entered United States only at the beginning of the last century and arose at the same time as did the Zionist movement and its call for the creation of the state of Israel. Until then, the dispensational doctrines were practically unknown to Christianity as a whole.

The success of Benjamin Netanyahu would not be possible without the extraordinary support from American Christian leaders who still either can’t, or don’t want to understand the difference between the interpretation of the Christian Old Testament and the Talmud and the difference between Judaism (as described and interpreted by the rabbis), and Christianity.

I often wonder, whether it is by pure ignorance, or by deliberate design – the idiosyncratic call for the blind support of the Jewish state by the American Christian leaders – all the while they portray themselves as the lovers of liberty and freedom of speech, patriots, lovers of Christ and His values. Is this just a pure lip service and aberrant hypocrisy, or a complete intellectual inability to understand the core-the very soul of what it means to be a Christian?

I propose, it is a misinterpretation of biblical prophecy and a sellout.  A huge sellout, not only of millions of flocks who follow them, but of Christ Himself. It is also an insult on our intelligence, insult on our very soul, of who we are as followers of Christ.

The American Christian leaders – the men and women who so bravely and rightfully so, gave their voices in warnings against religious extremism of people of the Muslim faith are the very ones who shamefully overlook the dangers of the forming of a religious extremist Talmudic state, the ones who stand with the oppressor and are not the voice for the oppressed.

 If they truly loved the Jews as their lips so often declare if they honestly had the American values of freedom – they could not possibly fail to notice the birth of the monstrous beast and give it such sheer sustenance by calling on millions to give it a life.

American pastors give unconditional support to theocratic dictatorship that is based not on Christ’s law of love, not even on a secular democracy, but on a Jewish religious law of Talmud. They have sold out the New Testament, the faith, the people who follow them, their own country and Christ Himself.

American Christians, where are your outcries? Where are your concerns? Did you forget, it was the rabbinical courts that condemned Christ to death? Did you forget His warning? “If they persecuted Me, they would also persecute you” (John 15:20-21)

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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30