The Lord has told me from now till His coming ALL month’s with J shall from this day forward be HIS PRIDE MONTH’S  for Christians. Month’s that we will observe and proclaim the Lord Jesus. If you know God and have been saved it’s quite simple. First off you will in front of your abode place a flag that shows your of your Savior. Your saved. Your not of the filth of this world.  Secondly you will go to your left and right and walk a mile and knock on each door in between and proclaim your faith.What makes you different from everyone else. Third you shall have offerings at your abode to serve the homeless and poor, whether a tent, whether a bus, whether whatever you have, a place where you as a Christian provides a place that YOU share the gospel and no matter your growth and maturity in Christ you spread Victory in Christ. Merely reading from the Bible is totally sufficient. Provide your faith in Jesus and not a needle from HELL. JUNE. JULY. JANUARY. These are now sanctified and holy and shall from this day forward be CHRISTIAN PRIDE MONTH’S. Here is the sign of such. A flag shall be made of white. A rainbow of God’s judgement shall go midway from bottom. In between shall be a cross that goes from top to bottom and side to side. Red paint shall be placed upon it with your finger upon the top and both sides and finally taking your fingers in the paint close our hand and quickly open it unleashing the paint upon what you have created. If any man come upon you saying what is this? Proclaim the Lord as if you were Jesus Himself as you should.

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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30