Maybe you will laugh. Maybe you will mock. Maybe you will be shocked. But I am telling you in the name of Jesus to do exactly as satan but in Gods glory. What are you saying? It is actually defeating satan by his own game. C’mon you have to see satan and his followers are full of lies. FULL OF LIES. But the BIBLE is FULL of those who lied in the name of God. What I am telling you now is to lie but for Jesus and actually for His glory. As you know those jabbed are forgotten and nulled. Let’s say a million or twenty million say they supposedly got the shot and THEIR voices of what happened. Hit or find online a shop with fake blood and zombie like features and see who is best actor like the Government. Let’s say Israel destroying palestine is your story of them bastards on tiktok in their voice. Lets say you were a transed individual and now a disaster. Lets say you are the next news, fake like them but real in Christ!! Headline: Did Trump accept Jesus as Lord and Savior? Maybe you went to a a town hall or school meeting and say your gay because they taught you that and bring some library books and read them? And start hitting on the leaders you want to spank and bend them over. Be even more evil. Make a shrine for Soros dressed like devil and carry it through town. Start your own CWEF. Start showing up at leaders homes and pretend your their slaves. No Christian balls to do? We may fight against satan but that doesn’t mean we can’t be smarter. We are to bring evil to light so how better than to actually do that at the devils own game? In fact Jesus himself says what? Matthew 10:16. UNDERSTAND???? It is okay to lie when that lie is glorifying Jesus. I proclaim now in the name of Jesus freedom to defeat by the very system trying to defeat us. Amen Bury them, suffocate them God by Christians being fake for your glory.

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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30

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