First from the last days covid choir:

I have tried to warn and be a beacon of light for going on three years now. Hell on earth is not months away. Even weeks away. When God pushes me into the ground like He has lately it means something VERY BIG is about to happen. AND SOON. I have seen it. Those that trusted in money and that tomorrow will never change will huddle in dying masses as what could or should never happen, happens. The screams will fill America not from watching a filthy rap singer or at a ballgame stadium, but from hunger and pain as darkness surrounds the land. You will wake up tomorrow and everything you thought was normal will disappear. satan is invoking his next step. All these f’ing bastard preachers that didn’t warn you and were all about one day, one day way in the future all deserve Hell and will go there because they were plants and all about money and not sin. Your time is very limited to stock up on food. Beans. Rice. Peanut butter. Dollar store canned foods. Trust me, even garbage food is better than no food…..very limited to provide protection for yourself. Hell is coming. Just like 911 and in one day the world changed, soon, very soon get ready for war. The darkness I feel is so close I cannot be wrong. Time is running out, not by hoping you live many more years and get saved one day, but in mere days. I have put this off for many days but God says put forth…… These mother f’ers want you to wear a mask. C’mon Christians, lets wear a mask…..Stick a pumpkin on your head. Put moms granny panties on your face. Make a mockery of their mockery. Since we know these satanist garbage are the opposite, DO THE SAME. They have fake news. Pump out the same. They have fake agendas. Do the same. They have their agenda, how about Christians turn things against the beasts in the Fathers name and start pumping false news too? Satire. Maybe start 20,000 mules 🙂 and pump out the votes. Get what I am saying? Listen to their lies but use them against them. Start your own covid test company. Send out a bible they have to read to monitor symptoms. If they read it two hours a day for a week they are negative. Start your own vaccine company that is faith based instead of medicine based, (kinda sounds like me) Maybe your jab is like c’mon down to West Virginia and ride a class 5 ….ride a horse to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, jump out of a airplane. B.S the B.S’rs. As Christians we have the right to defend our dignity and lives. Look at our spiritual father Abraham as a example. He lies to Pharaoh, Genesis 12:11-20. He lies to Abimelech, Genesis 20:1-7. How about farther down the line we have Jacob lying to Isaac, Genesis 27:19. Isaac Lies to Abimelech do to what he has to to survive. And guess what all Christians are in survival mode whether the have figured that out by now or not., Genesis 26:6-11.  What about Rahab lying to the Jericho Men? What if she had not? Joshua 2.  Look at Sampson lying to Delilah. In his discretion he was doing the right thing knowing it served the better good, besides she was just a greedy whore just like all the Cains children. This was one bad ass dude. He would make today’s cage fighting look like two three year old girls fighting each other with baby rattles. But in the end she broke him down and what happened? Judges 16. Let me explain something for you. “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves,” Matthew 10:16. Maybe you read that a hundred times but never got it’s full meaning. That is why I am here. There’s a very good reason as to why God gave such explicit instruction. It’s because He understands that, like satan, we as Christians can be the wisest of them all and should be. Today you might say that as “street smarts” maybe. Really it is Holy Spirit smart. A Christian well versed in the Bible and worldly manifestation is wise indeed. In these Last Days all the works of the devil are being exposed. That’s why what is coming very soon will happen. They are exposed. I saw a commercial other day that had a wolf in sheep’s clothing promoting getting satans seed. Yet how many unsaved people will take the hell bite. They don’t have the Holy Spirit to give them discernment. So what about the harmless as doves part. That means as Christians we do as Jesus commanded and where the world is now promoting chaos, hate, and death, we promote peace, love, and life forever….. Damn God you did it again with my, your, writing. Praise God forever…..

The reality is most people won’t choose to be awake and find the free gift of salvation but instead choose the gift of death and Hell. I am quite convinced now while finally getting to the entrance of a bite center and Hell signs were posted all over it would not matter. Signs that say bite is experimental with no testing, signs that say the bite is not even a vaccine, but “gene therapy” (code for satans DNA) and I have seen with my own eyes people dying in front of peoples eyes and not getting out of line. The great delusion is here and now. HERE AND NOW.

If at the end of a line there were signs Jesus saves and get born again today the site would suddenly shut down and people would say damn, I waited for this? and quickly scurry away back to living in satans world. That mistake then of finding a real bite center will turn them into ATM machines for the system. If not dying right away, being a slowly dying rat that thought they found a snack. Big cash cows or goyim. Many, many tests and procedures never figuring out was is wrong with the bitten, as the sorcery straight from Hell rolls on. Trusting in “science” and man verses God is a one way ticket to Hell.

My friend. If you had eyes to see and ears to hear you wouldn’t see people dressed in white. You would see a “medical” system straight from Hell. Forged and created by devils years ago. People that get sick, trust me, usually saw a “doctor.” Why? They are given “drugs” to fix them but will f*ck them and make them a lifelong customer. Wasn’t that way a few generations ago. Natural herbs and God grown plants, etc. gave natural healing.  I go to Jesus and have miracles happening all the time but to be honest, really think nothing of it anymore. I trust the Savior of the world for victory. That’s why I said I will fast with no water or food for forty days and not one donation to make it happen because people are more interested in what’s happening with Kim than seeing Gods man do what they say can’t be done……I trust in His Word. I trust in God. If you want another secret as I said I will start revealing them now. Vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables, meat, exercise, actually anything has nothing to do with being healthy. All lies and moneymakers for the snakes. You can live with nothing but the power of Jesus being inside you lighting and enterprising your temple. To much to handle? It all comes down to faith. You can move a mountain just with faith in a million directions or be a slave to the “system” and be as dumb as a box in a rock and place your health in the snakes………………. The new Holy Ghost glasses will show a entire new world. False and beastly systems. satans world that is ending soon and he is making his last stand. You would see you were once a rat running through satans maze. A lifelong and forever in Hell playtoy if you don’t get saved. The suffering in HELL will be beyond comprehension. Forever. A haunted house you visited is nothing and will never end in it’s misery as demons do anything they want to you. Forever and ever and ever where Jesus says the worm does not die, you will not die, but know exactly what is going on and feel pain and misery. The only people that go to Hell choose Hell. What is your choice today? There are no second chances after you die.

So what happens when satans sperm is injected into you? It will be like being the living dead before your last breath. Bitten by a scorpion and dying not because they had to and could have ran but because you freely put it in your hand and didn’t realize, I just put a scorpion in my hand and it bites because, we’ll, you are dumb, unsaved, no Holy Spirit to guide you and warn you. Revelation 9:10…..It is time to wake up and come out of your box. The snakes want you both mentally and physically weak. Depressed, lonely, dumbed down, not to own anything and be in debt forever, without any true God but their God, no longer female and male gender but satans creations, no more children, afraid of your own shadow, being depressed and on drugs, anxious, obese and sickly from GMO and processed foods sprayed with chemicals, steak and lobster for themselves and you will eventually eat bugs and corpse stew, wearing masks forever as a sign of obedience, taking bites annually or probably more to keep your antenna working, owning nothing and paying rent, living in forced big city housing, and having no real life for yourself as you become 100% dependent on the Government for everything. Be a good little sheep and you can live. Bad, you are banned from the beast system and will not be able to buy, sell, exist. How far away is that? We are already living in it, maybe not fully yet, but at the cusp of full domination……..

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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30