that have taken the mark of the beast and you didn’t it’s gotta hurt. But don’t get down. Instead raise your head high you passed the test. You defeated something so evil it has no words. You trusted in what your inner voice and heart told you. Maybe you tried the best you could to warn them and they still lined up like a zombie to take satan into their bodies. And now a price has to be paid. Maybe, maybe, maybe they didn’t get the real bite but just the initial placebo bite. You’ll know because nothing has changed about them. Praise God. But problem is they now are even more entranced into the system because hey I felt nothing and had no side effects so now I’ll go for round two. Round three. But just like playing blackjack they may have pulled off a 21 initially, but other cards are coming. The second bite might be a thirteen. And you bust because that next lot has satans sperm in it. Now it’s a whole new game. Now it’s giving everything you had in your pocket away and big ass bouncers throwing you out the doors. Much like getting thrown into outer darkness forever. So what to to in these Last Days. First off look out for yourself first. Jesus said as a believer we may have to deny everything including our own families if they choose to be the blind leading the blind and want nothing to do with truth. I’m not blowing my own horn because it has nothing to do with me, but if you provided my Hell page to someone and they still take the bite, sorry to say, THEY have chosen their here and now and what’s left of it, And, AND, made a choice to listen to man and not God. Not your fault. Not my fault. THEIR FAULT. We all have ability to make our OWN decisions. To believe and put our entire existence into God and caring less about a virus that doesn’t even exist and even if it did so what? Anyone born-again can’t wait to be with Jesus. If I took my last breath now, praise God I will be with my Savior. I want to take forever to praise Him. Thank Him for saving me. A non saved person stands in line trying to prolong their life for what? They have fear for what? They follow the beast system for what? To gain another day in this hell whole satan world? My Lord and Savior is coming back soon. No not tomorrow, Things still need to happen. And that’s cool. Never, ever in history have people lived in the actual Last Days. You have a choice now. Die in the beast system or live in Christ. Stop sweating it about those, whoever, that choose to put satan into their bodies. Not your fault. Praise God you know truth. PRAISE GOD YOU KNOW TRUTH. Just as the Bible said, most people have their head up their asses and don’t see the sign of the times. And just like on my front page they follow each other blindly to Hell into the hole. I am not very popular it would seem. Jesus wasn’t  either as He spoke truth. Blocked it seems on the internet. I swear as Jesus as my Savior, this website only exists because if I wake one person up and they are saved by Jesus, all this time I have made here is for you. Is that you?? Today is the day of salvation…….

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About Brother Fierce

Proverbs 30:30