God bless you child. Your in the arms of Jesus now and forever. American soldier gave his life to finally wake you the fuck up. Said no more to Netandscamyou. That piece of shit pointing a gun at him is same as the devils that killed Jesus. A big eared and nose pointing to hell jabeano. Children of the devil since Cain in their last days. How long till a Doctor or nurse does same thing after their conscience says no more giving poison to people? Lying. Lying. Lying. Just to make a living that ends in death like anyone except being placed in a very special part in Hell where for eternity they get a jab over and over in their eyeballs and entire body with demon shit. They will cry out over and over and over and over to no avail. Rat murderers now become the bait and screaming in agony forever is just cause by a just God.

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